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This summer, EVERY TIME we hit 10,000 responses, we’re sending one lucky Tappster a mystery merch bundle to celebrate. The highest number of daily responses last week was…

>> 9,885 <<

That’s only 115 short of 10k, so make sure you keep tapping (and tell all your teacher mates too!) If you spot a 10k day, pay extra attention to the space under the Daily Read to check if we send you a winner’s message.

Now, onto this week’s results (literally!)

We are well into results season with A-levels, T-levels and VTQs out last week, and GCSEs coming up this week (students in Scotland have known their results since the beginning of the month!)

The cohort who got their results last week have had a rocky time when it comes to assessments as they are the TAG GCSEs crowd. But did you think the way their A-levels were decided this year was fair?

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