Jolene Russell was 15 years old when a boy in her class sat next to her and took photographs under her skirt.

She had become suspicious when the boy started fidgeting with his phone in a lesson, even though they were banned at the school.

Then he made a bizarre request.

"He put his bag on the floor and put his phone on his bag with his camera facing upwards," Jolene told Sky News.

"I thought: 'Why has he done that?'"

"Then he threw his coat on the floor and asked me to bend over and pick it up for him. Instantly there were red flags," she added, through tears.

Repeatedly we had to stop the interview as Jolene became overwhelmed recounting her experience - it was clearly painful to talk about.

Jolene's mother Candice-Marie informed the school that her daughter believed she had been a victim of upskirting - the practice of taking a photo or a video underneath someone's clothing without their knowledge for sexual gratification.

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