Downing Street has said “no decisions have been taken” on legal action that would ban schoolchildren from changing their gender identity.

Rishi Sunak is reportedly considering dropping plans to bar so-called social transitioning at schools, whereby children can choose another pronoun and wear the uniform of the opposite sex.

No 10 could also not say when long-awaited new guidance on gender self-identification will be issued to schools.

The non-statutory guidance was originally expected before the summer holidays began.

While draft guidance said children should be allowed to socially transition with their parents’ consent, ministers later considered bringing in a new law to ban it outright.

But newspaper reports suggested that such a Bill will not be introduced in the King’s Speech, which sets out proposed legislation for the year ahead.

The Prime Minister’s spokesman told reporters: “No decisions have been taken. So I’m not going to get into speculation around ongoing work around this guidance.

“I think we’ve always said that this guidance will provide clarity so that parents have control, that children are kept safe, and that teachers have the appropriate information they need.

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