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The list of schools and colleges where the presence of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) was confirmed by 30 August has been published by the Department for Education today (Wednesday 6 September). The vast majority of school remain unaffected.

Thanks to the hard work of education leaders and local councils, the majority of settings have already been able to put mitigations in place to open on time, with 104 settings providing face-to-face learning for all pupils this week.

A further 20 settings have put hybrid arrangements in place, with some pupils learning off-site, whilst 19 have delayed the start of term by a few days to ensure pupils can return to face-to-face learning safely on site. Settings offering remote learning are expected to do so for a very short period of time, in most cases for a matter of days.

Only a very small number, 4, have needed to move to remote learning for a short period of time. 9 settings have since been found not to have RAAC.

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