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If you’ve just booked some blocks of tutoring with Pearson on Bramble, you may well be wondering how it will all work. Of course, you’ve got details of the groups of lessons to choose from and your teacher handbook to guide you through the whole process.

At this point, you’ve already spent time deciding which students will receive support, grouping them appropriately and setting them up online. Now you’ve selected the best tutors for them, you are probably hoping you can just leave them to get on with the tutoring. And that’s true to a point, but with a tiny bit more time and input, you can ensure greater success for everyone. 

In fact, Pearson tutoring sessions do not require a great deal from you. Pearson tutors are teachers too, so we understand your job and can strive to ensure our work supports yours in parallel. The following ten tips will help you – and your students – get the most out of tutoring support. 

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