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The report draws on evidence from subject visits to a sample of primary and secondary schools.

The report found that there is significant variation in the quality of music education in both primary and secondary schools. Since Ofsted’s report into music education in 2012, many schools, particularly at primary level, have taken important steps to make music more prominent in the curriculum. We found that almost all primary school children had frequent opportunities to learn music in reception and music was taught weekly in key stage 1 and 2. The strongest aspect of the curriculum in primary schools was teaching pupils to sing.

While many primary pupils now have regular opportunities to learn music as part of the curriculum, at secondary level, Ofsted’s research shows that too many schools still do not give music enough time. There was considerable variation in the amount of curriculum time allocated to music in key stage 3. In just under half the schools visited, leaders had not made sure that pupils had enough time to learn the curriculum as planned by the school. This meant that pupils were not adequately prepared for further musical study. Most secondary schools did not build on the strong progress and enjoyment that pupils had experienced in their singing at primary school.

The sample of schools we visited showed that those with stronger musical curriculums focused on teaching pupils to get better at music rather than just having them ‘do’ music. Most senior leaders understood the critical role that extra-curricular music, both instrumental and vocal, played in complementing the curriculum. However, there are ongoing challenges re-establishing extra-curricular lessons as schools return to normal following COVID-19.

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