Publication Source
Publication Date2023-10-22

Not so long ago, the concept of pupil wellbeing – if it registered at all – largely involved gym classes, school milk, maybe a little bit of sex ed' and, if you were really lucky, some free fruit - but not necessarily in that order.

With the introduction of Curriculum for Excellence, the view of and approach to pupil wellbeing changed. Alongside literacy and numeracy, ‘health and wellbeing’ (HWB) is now one of the three core pillars of our schooling system and is regarded as a ‘responsibility of all’ - everyone, no matter what they teach, is also a teacher of health and wellbeing.

Or at least that’s the idea.

In reality, even after more than a decade of CfE implementation, the whole concept of HWB remains a bit woolly for many. We may see discussion of the concept with increasing regularity, but how many of the people who talk about it can also give a clear explanation for it means, or offer advice on how to achieve it?

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