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This report summarises the findings from the implementation and process evaluation of the third year of the National Tutoring programme (2022-23). The programme is an important part of the Government’s Covid-19 recovery response, offering tuition support to pupils in Years 1-11 who have been hit hardest by the disruption.  

Drawing on survey and interview data from participating schools, the report focuses on: the implementation of the NTP in the third year; the extent to which the NTP has supported pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND); the benefits and perceived impact of the NTP; and the extent to which the NTP is supporting tuition being embedded within the school system.  

Key Findings

  • there was high satisfaction for the NTP overall, across its different routes, and with different aspects of delivery of the programme 
  • there was a strong perception amongst school staff of impact of the NTP on pupil self-confidence, attainment, and on them catching up with their peers 
  • at the time of the evaluation, leaders felt that tutoring was integrated and part of schools’ daily provision or support offer, enabled by NTP funding  
  • the majority of school leaders wanted to continue with the NTP, but its future sustainability was considered questionable given the funding subsidy was reducing in 2023-24 and then ceasing in 2024-25.  
  • NFER recommends a change to the funding model is considered to allow schools to use funds without the requirement to top-up from their other already stretched budgets.

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