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We all have grey days, don’t we? But where do these grey days fit in with well-being, mental and emotional health and how can we use colour as an easy way to show someone how we are feeling without sometimes having to explain how great or difficult a day might be?

The difficulty comes in the clarity of explanation. What and how you are feeling is the most difficult and often overwhelming thing to do. To explain what you are feeling or experiencing, to try and put into words something which you’re not quite sure how to explain, but it’s just a terrible feeling. If you told someone your head was like spaghetti, the first thing they would probably imagine is the shape and texture of spaghetti – hopefully not the tinned orange sauce version by a famous brand – but you never know, as it’s impossible for another human being to feel what you are feeling, or even know what those emotions and confusions are. They may be great at empathising with you, but ‘I know how you feel’ is an impossibility and a ludicrous comment, but we say it anyway to show empathy and support – and by the way, there isn’t an app for that – yet!

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