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Glasgow City Council has taken another step towards realising its digital strategy by rolling out an online contact system across all its schools.

ParentsPortal, which has been piloted in schools in the north east of the city, enables parents and carers to have access to their child’s school 24 hours a day.

The online system, which will be rolled out to all primary and secondary schools in the local authority area from today, enables parents to update personal information, fill in permission slips and consent forms and view school calendars. Online report cards, timetables and the ability to make placing requests will be added in due course.

Chair of Digital Glasgow Angus Millar said: “The ParentsPortal is a great example of how digital technology can improve people’s lives, in this case providing an easy-to-use link that gives the latest information on school activities and how children are progressing. This is a very useful addition to the range of communication channels open between parent, carers and schools.”

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