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A new chairperson has been appointed to help oversee the replacement of the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).

It was announced on Monday that Shirley Rogers will become the first female chair of the SQA, succeeding David Middleton.

The Scottish Government said in 2021 the SQA would be replaced, following a report by the OECD and criticism of the way pupil grades were initially awarded after exams were cancelled during the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, education secretary Jenny Gilruth delayed the legislation for the overhaul earlier this year.

Ms Rogers helped lead the Government’s response to the pandemic and Brexit in a previous role as a former director of performance, delivery and resilience. She also previously served as chief people officer of NHS Scotland and is a former vice-chair of Borders College management board.

For her new job at the SQA, she will be paid £373.92 per day for a time commitment of 72 days per financial year.

Ms Rogers said: “I am delighted to be joining the SQA as chair. I look forward to working with the organisation and its stakeholders to achieve the very best that we can for students, parents, teachers and employers.”

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