The Girls’ Schools Association unveils its Equality for Women and Girls research which proves girls’ schools continue to be the driving force behind creating a more equal world for women.
GSA, which leads the UK’s biggest annual research study in state and independent single-sex girls’ schools, surveyed over 9,000 girls and over 500 teachers to investigate their experiences and perspectives in a wide-ranging study that examined power and status in politics, in business, and in the home, and their experience in schools through the female lens. Results reveal girls in girls’ schools to be savvy, spirited individuals acutely aware of inequalities they face in the wider world, highly alert to the different experience offered to them in their schools; places where they feel honoured and listened to, schools that equip them with the tools and opportunity to embrace life, and to further challenge the status quo for the benefit of every girl, beyond school.
ImpactEd Evaluation and The Girls’ Schools Association partnered to investigate how girls at GSA schools perceive equality for women and girls. The data overwhelming confirms that girls’ schools and girls in girls’ schools have an acute understanding of what the experience of an equal world should be. They experience this directly through affirmative action in GSA schools; schools where pupils are taught to confidently understand what is fair and right for women in the world; schools where girls experience first-hand equal opportunity in a gender fair space; schools where young women feel that they are supported by understanding, caring, and articulate teachers and adults in their lives that help to prepare them for life.