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Alternative Provision (AP) schools and special schools are poorly served by the current published measures of pupil attainment at the end of Key Stage 4.

Prior to the pandemic, we began work on calculating a range of performance measures for AP schools. This was informed by the AP Quality Toolkit produced by colleagues at the Centre for Social Justice. Some of these measures were subsequently included in the performance framework proposed by the Department of Education in the SEND green paper.

We have now updated this work based on data for the 2021/22 school year and expanded the measures of Key Stage 4 attainment to include special schools. We plan to update this in the new year using data for 2022/23.

Our report on Key Stage 4 attainment measures can be found here. This includes school-level data for larger schools. There is also a second report on calculating other quality measures for the AP sector: attendance, re-integration and post-16 destinations.

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