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A statement on the conclusion of the coroner's inquest from Ofsted's Chief Inspector.

Ruth Perry’s death was a tragedy that deeply affected many people. My thoughts remain with her family, the wider Caversham school community, and everyone else who knew and loved her. On behalf of Ofsted, I would like to say sorry to them for the distress that Mrs Perry undoubtedly experienced as a result of our inspection. 

After Mrs Perry’s death we made changes to the way we work, to help reduce the pressure felt by school leaders. We will do more. The Coroner highlighted a number of areas of concern. We will work hard to address each of these as soon as we can, and we are starting that work straight away. 

We have started to develop training for all inspectors on recognising and responding to visible signs of anxiety. As a first step, we will delay our inspections next week by a day so we can bring all our lead school inspectors together ahead of further school inspections. As well as addressing the issue of anxiety, we will be clear with inspectors what to do if a pause is needed.  

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