Radical changes to special educational needs provision and a review of school leaving age are expected to form part of a major report into education.

Massive funding gaps are also to be identified when the Independent Review of Education in Northern Ireland is published on Wednesday.

They will require hundreds of millions of pounds over the coming years.

The review panel is also expected to seek action on the future of many "unviable" small schools.

It is understood that there may be calls for more co-operation and shared facilities across different communities and educational sectors.

Other areas likely to be addressed are the streamlining of education departments at Stormont and a potential change to the school leaving or compulsory education age.

The review was commissioned in response to commitments contained in the New Decade New Approach deal which underpinned the restoration of the Stormont Executive in January 2020.

It stated the executive should "establish an external, independent review of education provision, with a focus on securing greater efficiency in delivery costs, raising standards, access to the curriculum for all pupils, and the prospects of moving towards a single education system".

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