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Jennie Cole is an Enterprise Coordinator & Operational Lead for East Sussex Careers Hub. She previously worked as a Careers Leader for Hailsham Community College. Here she shares some helpful perspectives on encouraging parental participation in careers provision.

Parents want to be involved
During my time as a Careers Leader, I found that most parents were eager for up to date, relevant careers information. This went deeper than receiving newsletters or following a school or college’s social media. Whenever we ran in-person events with parents, there was always a good response. There was definitely an appetite from parents to get informed, so that they could be in the best position possible to support their children.

I organised the first apprenticeship information evening at the college I worked in. I invited representatives from Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge for Schools and Colleges (ASK), along with and four local employers who offered apprenticeships. As it was a pilot, I was nervous about inviting too many parents, but obviously I also didn’t want an empty room. I actually made my husband and daughter attend, as I was sure we’d have hardly anyone turn up. Ten minutes before the start time, a flood of parents began to arrive. We had to get extra chairs as the hall was packed! This became a regular feature in our careers calendar.

The importance of accurate, up to date information
Every parent will have their own experience of careers advice and support. There will be variances in level and type, and some won’t have received any at all. Many will also have their own experience of post-school education and career paths. In terms of education and careers, parents are one of the most influential voices for a young person. Therefore, it’s vital that they understand the qualifications, pathways, and careers available to their children, as well as how these have changed since they were at school or college.

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