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Effective vocabulary instruction thrives on active engagement, contextual exploration, and meaningful discussions. Fostering curiosity and encouraging students to delve deeply into the intricacies of words are essential components for expanding their lexical repertoire. An invaluable approach to cultivating a profound and interconnected word bank involves delving into synonyms and discerning shades of meaning.

Recognising and Nurturing Emotions
It’s easy to assume that children naturally understand and express their emotions, but the truth is, many may not possess the language to articulate their feelings effectively. This crucial skill needs explicit teaching. Before delving into understanding and empathising with others, pupils must first be equipped to recognise and regulate their own emotions.

Getting more bang for our buck from our books!
Enter the enchanting world of books, where children can safely and powerfully explore, practice, and test their social and emotional skills. Books serve as a valuable tool in this journey. Pupils engage in thoughtful discussions, evaluating words on a spectrum chart that resonate with the characters’ situations. Each word becomes a doorway to exploring personal responses, delving into connotations, nuances, and unique implications. Through this collective exploration, they collaboratively choose one word that best encapsulates the emotion portrayed in the book.

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