This report explores how school-level career guidance systems can more effectively respond to social inequalities. It draws on new analysis of PISA and PIAAC data and builds on the OECD Career Readiness Indicators to review the impact of inequalities related primarily to socio-economic background, gender and migrant status/ethnicity on the character of education-to-work transitions. The data analysis identifies additional barriers facing certain demographic groups in converting human capital into successful employment. It also finds that teenage access to career development is strongly patterned by the demographic characteristics of students. Consequently, the report highlights a range of career guidance interventions that can be expected to mitigate the negative impact of inequalities on student outcomes, enabling fairer access to economic opportunities. The report concludes by reviewing how the innovative new Career Education Framework in New Brunswick (Canada) systematically addresses inequalities within K-12 provision.
Challenging social inequality through career guidance: Insights from international data and practice
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When it comes to preparation for adult life, education works. It has long been clear that greater levels of academic success are strongly related to higher wages and lower rates of unemployment. But this relationship is complex. As this paper shows, the investments of time and energy that students put into their studies can be expected to benefit them in different ways depending on their personal characteristics. Some groups of students face more barriers than others in achieving their goals when they embark on their working lives, even if they leave education with the same levels of qualifications as their more fortunate peers.