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This analysis is the second in a series of reports produced by the Education Policy Institute, working in partnership with Renaissance. The purpose of this research programme is to ensure that schools and policy makers have access to robust data on the performance of different pupil groups, so that support is targeted effectively to those who need it most as we continue to recover from the pandemic.

The purpose of this report is to provide benchmarking data to users of Renaissance Star Reading and Renaissance Star Maths assessments. It allows users to see how outcomes for their pupils compare to all pupils nationally – both against averagesYou  at different points in the academic year and across the whole attainment distribution. It also shows how these results have changed over time so that schools can better understand the patterns of attainment that they are seeing.

In addition, we have linked data from Star Assessments with attainment data at the end of key stage 2 to allow us to see, for a given level of outcome in Star Assessments, what are the most likely outcomes in these end of key stage statutory assessments.

Results are presented as series of analyses offering insights from the dataset of all Star Assessments followed by detailed benchmarking tables.

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