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Last week the Department for Education unveiled a raft of new measures related to attendance to be introduced at the start of the next academic year. Schools Week published a handy round-up of the key points.

Some of these could be quite useful. A new attendance code (C2) for pupils on part-time timetables would produce better data on its prevalence (we once had a go at estimating it). Schools must also record the nature of the educational provision received by pupils who are educated off site (attendance code B).

But the announcements that have attracted most attention are those relating to penalty notices (fines) for absence.

Firstly, the fine has increased from £60 to £80. A second fine, if issued for further unauthorised absence, will be charged at £160.

Secondly, a new national fine threshold has been introduced. This is 10 (or more) sessions of unauthorised absence within a rolling 10 week period.

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