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Have you tried using prequestions (explicitly) in your classroom?

This research explores why prequestions can significantly enhance student learning and engagement before the lesson even begins – a simple yet effective pedagogical strategy!

Prequestions involve asking students questions about upcoming learning material before they engage with it.

This approach, grounded in cognitive neuroscience, prepares the mind for incoming information, making learning more efficient. Whether through reading assignments, videos, or lectures, prequestions prime students for the content they are about to encounter, helping them to focus and retain information more effectively.

I use this strategy every single time. Before arriving at a physical teacher training session, and also throughout the session until key points are reached, teachers should prepare students for key material.

The rationale behind prequestions is rooted in the concept of ‘pretrieval practice,’ which enhances engagement with new information.

This technique not only aids in the retention of specific facts and concepts, but also fosters a deeper comprehension of the material. By activating prior knowledge and curiosity, prequestions help students anchor new information more securely, leading to improved academic performance and long-term retention.

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