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When it comes to teaching reading to students with specific learning difficulties (SpLD), one size does not fit all. Students with SpLD face a unique set of challenges that can make learning to read a complex, multifaceted journey. From difficulties in decoding words to struggles with fluency and comprehension, their journey to literacy requires a road map that is both diverse and inclusive. The most current recommendation in the field (Vaughn et al., 2022) is to provide students with supplemental reading instruction that targets all areas of reading.

Recent government guidelines (DfE, 2023) on the teaching of reading to pupils who need additional support also aligns with these recent international recommendations. This demonstrates that education policy is evolving in step with research. But the critical question remains: Is current practice keeping pace with the latest research recommendations and policy advancements?

In this blog post, I highlight what we know about areas that students with SpLD struggle in, and introduce multicomponent reading interventions to support their reading growth.

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