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Is concept mapping the key to unlocking deeper learning?

Concept mapping is a visual tool for organising and representing knowledge. It involves creating diagrams that depict relationships between concepts, forming a structured graphical representation of ideas and information …

For years, I was made to feel (and believe) that sketching out concepts in my design and technology lessons was unlikely to yield any academic benefits. Always the understudy in the curriculum, creative subjects took a back seat, but not today! More and more research reveals that the techniques used in the ‘design process’ are an excellent retrieval practice tech.

A recent study (Lechuga et al., 2024) reveals concept mapping followed by free recall enhances students’ learning.

Concept mapping, coupled with free recall, has been spotlighted as a potent learning strategy in this research.

This study technique involves students creating visual diagrams that connect concepts they’ve learned, followed by a task where they write down everything they can remember. The technique taps into deeper cognition, encouraging students to synthesise knowledge.

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