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For most of us, when we accept a promotion there is a giddy sense of achievement – maybe a desire to ring your mum – a sense of progression towards a career goal, or a dream job. There’s usually clarity around what it means. What the extra responsibilities are, what we’ll let go of to make room for them, and of course the additional pay and benefits. Unless you’re in school middle leadership, that is.

It’s not clear what it means to be a ‘middle leader’ in schools today. There is no clear guidance defining the broad umbrella of roles that include year or phase Head, subject or department head, SENCo or designated safeguarding lead. Some middle leaders who Education Support spoke to for the Pressures on Middle Leaders in Schools report took on extra responsibilities out of a passion for their subject or commitment to their school. But others had their additional responsibilities thrust upon them due to a lack of other willing participants.

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