All that hard work and all those years of build up to A-levels results day means it can feel daunting for everyone involved. Here’s how to cope with the day and the weeks after if the grades aren’t what you hoped for.

Get a plan in place

Professor Alan Smithers is the director of the Centre for Education and Employment Research at the University of Buckingham. “If you’ve already settled on a university and got the right grades to get in, you can celebrate,” he tells i.

“But if the results aren’t what you were hoping for, then there are options, so take some time to think through and come up with a clear plan B.”

If you missed your grades but are set on a particular university, give them a ring and ask if they’d still consider you, or whether you qualify for a foundation course. You can apply to other universities through Clearing, or take a gap year and resit your A-levels, and apply again.

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