Back in 2018 we tracked the incidence of special educational needs (SEN) of a single cohort from Reception in 2004/05 to the end of Year 11 in 2016/17.
Here we found that 44% of pupils had been recorded as having SEN during their school career.
For all but their final two years of compulsory schooling, the previous SEN Code of Practice applied. Under this code, SEN were met through School Action, School Action Plus or Statements.
This was superseded by a new Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Code of Practice in September 2014. Under this code, statements were replaced with Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans and extended up to age 25. School Action and School Action Plus were replaced with a single category of School Support.
So let’s see how the incidence of SEN has changed since the introduction of the new Code of Practice.