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Insights by Helen West and Rachael Fitzpatrick, members of the EDT research team are credited in the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office’s recent policy paper, ‘Addressing the climate, environment, and biodiversity crises in and through girls’ education’.

This strong piece places the climate emergency at the heart of decision-making relating to girls’ education, with a plea for the climate, environment and biodiversity crises to be considered throughout education programmes. It sets out the stark need for more funding and attention on the role of education in this area. 

These EDT colleagues actively supported the development of this paper, producing the background papers for FCDO’s Wilton Park conference on the climate emergency and bringing their expertise to the conference with key players from global multilaterals and ministries of education. Along with other experts from across the climate and education sector, EDT reviewed early drafts of the policy paper and colleagues were invited by FCDO to attend its launch in London.  

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