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Careers guidance in schools

Since September 2013, local authority maintained schools have been under a duty to provide impartial careers guidance to pupils from Years 8 to 13 (ages 12-18). The Department for Education (DfE) has published statutory guidance (most recently updated in March 2015) for maintained schools on their duty to provide careers guidance. The statutory dut...
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7140 Hits

14 large (and small) ways artificial intelligence could transform teaching and learning

"The education system needs to ensure that it reflects the needs of the future, and prepares children for life with AI and for a labour market whose needs may well be unpredictable." In its report, AI in the UK: Ready, Willing and Able?, the House of Lords Committee on Artificial Intelligence (AI) considered how this technology will affect many asp...
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Guest — Simon
This is a really interesting take and I wonder how your perception of the use of AI has changed since the article was first publis... Read More
Friday, 26 February 2021 15:32
5416 Hits
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