Three of the week's headlines ...
Next government ‘faces persistent education inequalities and high absences’
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Imperial College beats Oxford and Cambridge in global university rankings for first time
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Eight in 10 primary teachers in England spending own money to help pupils
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Three pieces of policy news - by phase
Follow this link to view the full version of Steve Besley's popular policy round-up - including an overview of all the important stories, his top headlines of the week, tweets and posts of note, the most memorable quotes, not-to-be-missed statistics and what to look out for next week.
As your starter for ten, we've chosen three items from each phase below ...
Business manifesto. The CBI set out its Business Manifesto with a number of recommendations for the first 100 days of a new government around investment and growth, strengthening UK competitiveness, and ‘doubling down’ on climate commitments.
Economic forecast. The British Chambers of Commerce pointed to a gentle recovery for the UK economy in its latest economic forecast showing growth upgraded to 0.8% for this year and average earnings also up but with inflation and unemployment expected to rise later in the year.
Council funds. The IfS reported on local council funding, noting that spending had ‘outpaced’ funding increases and demands in recent years leaving some “in acute financial distress” and leaving an incoming government facing difficult choices about immediate cash injections, longer-term reform or efficiencies.

School spending. The IfS published its briefing on school funding in England showing how far it had been squeezed in recent years creating immediate pressures for an incoming government in areas such as SEND and teacher recruitment and retention, with no easy options for whoever takes over.
School finances. Data analysts School Dash provided a further update on school finances post-pandemic noting an increase in spending on matters like energy costs, supply teachers and staff development but in-year balances appearing weaker generally.
Education report. The IfS published its report into school performance in England noting that levels of literacy and numeracy have improved enormously and compare favourably internationally but that special needs, mental health concerns, school absenteeism and attainment gaps all provide major challenges for an incoming government.

Apprenticeship Levy. The IfS commented on Labour’s latest plans to transform the Apprenticeship Levy into a Growth and Skills Levy that would see some funds used to recreate Traineeships as part of a Youth Guarantee, suggesting that this could restrict how firms currently spent Levy firms let alone pay for training that they might have provided for anyway.
Youth Guarantee. The AoC issued its response to Labour’s ‘Back to Work’ proposals announced last weekend, welcoming the inclusion of a youth guarantee for 18–21-year-olds but calling for the extension of support for 16–18-year-olds as well.
Curriculum planning. Gatsby announced its support for new collaborative curriculum planning networks being set up to help college groups join together to work through the DfE’s post-16 L3 and below curriculum reforms.

Manifesto for innovation. The Russell Group called for sustainable funding and a commitment to international student arrangements as it re-launched its election manifesto calling for a big push on research and innovation with a focus on EU research, ‘deep-tech university spinouts,’ and Green R/D programmes.
Manifesto for science. Wellcome, the global research foundation, published its manifesto with a series of short, medium and long-term priorities for an incoming government focused on three aims including leading the G7 nations on R/D intensity, ensuring the UK was the most attractive place for research, and providing committed funding and infrastructure for long-term research.
Student votes. The HE Policy Institute launched a briefing series on ‘election-related issues’ with director Nick Hillman kicking off the series by looking at some of the issues around student voting and the level of impact this may have.
Access all issues of Steve Besley's Education Eye
Latest research, reports and studies
Polling of teachers ahead of General Election 2024 | NFER
School spending in England: a guide to the debate during the 2024 general election | IFS
Exploring the borderland: Addressing reality shock for trainee teachers through introductory practice | BERA
Broaden and balance the primary curriculum to foster children's creativity and love of learning | IOE
Support for Free School Meals | NEU
How many pupils leave schools between Year 7 and Year 11? | FFT Education Datalab
The ongoing impact of the cost-of-living crisis on schools | NFER
Innovative tools for the direct assessment of social and emotional skills | OECD
Visual reflective journaling: A tool for promoting self-care and ethical research practices for teacher-researchers | BERA
The AI revolution in teaching | Teacher Toolkit
HEPI Debate Paper 37 - Four futures: Shaping the future of higher education in England | HEPI
Did a 3E program really enhance child social emotional competence? | BEIB
Boosting preschool math skills and parent-child math engagement | BEIB
Journey to literacy: Inside the ALFA Lab program for struggling students | BEIB
Examining the effects of AI assistance on student agency in higher education | BEIB
Post-pandemic financial fortunes | School Dash
The state of education: what awaits the next government? | IFS
Read The Trial by Kafka for a good analogy: Teacher educator experiences of DfE accreditation in England | BERA
How frequently are schools being inspected? | School Dash
CECIL: Final report | Sutton Trust
Flex and match: a new Skills Levy for growth and opportunity | Learning & Work Institute
The economic case for counselling in schools and colleges | Public First
The power of retrieval practice over group discussions | Teacher Toolkit
Search our education research section
Parliament and elsewhere
Manifesto week with the current scheduling being Lib-Dems (Monday), Conservatives (Tuesday), Greens (Wednesday), and Labour (Thursday).
Edge hosted event on The Times Education Commission, two years on (Tuesday 11 June).
NIESR webinar on ‘Five Key Economic Priorities for the New Government’ (Thursday 13 June).
Events and CPD opportunities
Monday 10 June: MAT Regional Network: North East | Optimus Education (in-person event)
Tuesday 11 June: Sustainability Conference 2024: From vision to impact | Advance HE (in-person event)
Thursday 13 June: Safeguarding Children in Schools Conference 2024 | Government Events (online event)
Thursday 13 June: HEPI Annual Conference 2024 | HEPI (in-person event)
Thursday 13 June: Leading Safeguarding 2024 - London | Optimus Education (in-person event)
Thursday 13 - Friday 14 June: Inspiring Leadership Conference 2024 | NAHT (in-person event)
Friday 14 June: National Education Show 2024 | National Education Show (in-person event)
Running an education-related event that you'd like to see included in our calendar? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with details and a link to the booking info.
See all events
Three interesting daily facts
On this day in 1752 Benjamin Franklin flew a kite during a thunderstorm in an experiment to demonstrate the connection between lightning and electricity.
On this day in 1865 Richard Wagner's opera 'Tristan und Isolde' premiered in Munich, Germany.
On this day in 1935 Bill Wilson and Dr Bob Smith founded Alcoholics Anonymous.
On this day in 1509 Henry VIII married his first wife, Catherine of Aragon whom he later divorced after she failed to produce a male heir.
On this day in 1817 German inventor Karl Drais demonstrated his revolutionary Laufmaschine, the first predecessor of the bicycle.
On this day in 1987 Margaret Thatcher became the first British Prime Minister in 160 years to win a third consecutive term.
On this day in 1942 Anne Frank received a diary as a birthday present from her parents.
On this day in 1964 Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for sabotage.
On this day in 1982 one million people gathered in Central Park in a demonstration against nuclear weapons.
On this day in 323 BC Alexander the Great died at the age of thirty-two in Babylon (present-day Iraq).
On this day in 1956 the last British troops left the Suez Canal Zone in Egypt.
On this day in 1983 Pioneer 10 became the first man-made object to leave the central solar system.
On this day in 1777 US Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes flag, replacing the Grand Union flag.
On this day in 1919 British aviators Alcock and Brown took off for the first non-stop transatlantic flight.
On this day in 1982 Argentina surrendered to Great Britain ending the Falklands Islands conflict.
Awareness days from around the world
National Age Without Apology Month, National Candy Month, National Smile Month.
Pride Month, National Portuguese Heritage Month, National Migraine And Headache Awareness Month, National Caribbean-American Heritage Month, National PTSD Awareness Month, National Homeownership Month, National Give A Bunch Of Balloons Month, National Pollinators Month, National DJ Month, National Safety Month, Men's Health Month, African-American Music Appreciation Month, National Soul Food Month, National Papaya Month, National Iced Tea Month, National Great Outdoors Month, National Dairy Month, National Country Cooking Month, National Camping Month, National Fresh Fruit And Vegetables Month, National Adopt A Cat Month, National Accordion Month, Turkey Lovers Month, National Rose Month, Aquarium Month.
National Growing for Wellbeing Week, BNF Healthy Eating Week, Bike Week, Carers Week, Diabetes Awareness Week, Loneliness Awareness Week, #GladToCare Awareness Week.
Aromatherapy Awareness Week, Men's Health Week, National Flag Week, Nursing Assistants Week, National Little League Baseball Week, Right Of Way Professionals Week, National Business Etiquette Week, Medicare Fraud Prevention Week, Meet A Mate Week, Love your Burial Ground Week, National Pet Wedding Week.
National Frosted Cookie Day, National Egg Roll Day, National Herbs And Spices Day, National Black Cow Day, National Iced Tea Day, National Ballpoint Pen Day, National Bed Bug Prevention Day.
National Forklift Safety Day, National Call Your Doctor Day, National Making Life Beautiful Day, National German Chocolate Cake Day, National Corn On The Cob Day, International Yarn Bombing Day, KBG Syndrome Awareness Day, International Lynx Day.
National Peanut Butter Cookie Day, National Jerky Day, National Loving Day, National Red Rose Day, Raggedy Ann and Andy Day, Russia Day, World Day Against Child Labor, International Falafel Day, Superman Day.
Sewing Machine Day.
Rare Chromosome Awareness Day, National Random Acts Of Light Day, National Kitchen Klutzes Of America Day, National Weed Your Garden Day, National Sewing Machine Day, International Community Association Managers Day, International Albinism Awareness Day, National Posttraumatic Growth Day, National Seersucker Day, International Axe Throwing Day, World Softball Day, National Farm Workers Day.
National School Business Leaders’ Day.
World Blood Donor Day, National Cucumber Day, National Movie Night, Wear Blue Day, National New Mexico Day, Army Birthday, National Bourbon Day, National Strawberry Shortcake Day, National Pop Goes The Weasel Day, National Flag Day, National Cupcake Day, International Bath Day.
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