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Three of the week's headlines ...
Nigeria takes up case of its Teesside University students ordered out of UK
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Reform's legal challenge to Labour tax raid on private schools can't work because of Brexit
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Sunak pledges to replace ‘rip-off’ degrees with skilled apprenticeships
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Three pieces of policy news - by phase
Follow this link to view the full version of Steve Besley's popular policy round-up - including an overview of all the important stories, his top headlines of the week, tweets and posts of note, the most memorable quotes, not-to-be-missed statistics and what to look out for next week.
As your starter for ten, we've chosen three items from each phase below ...
Election 2024 and Reeves business speech. Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves condemned the government’s handling of the economy over 14 years as she outlined Labour economic plans in a major speech to business leaders at Rolls Royce, arguing that Labour was now ‘the natural party of British business’ and would focus on stability, investment and reform.
Election 2024 and business backing. A number of major business leaders and investors signed up to an open letter declaring they were now prepared to work with Labour “to help put us on track for sustained productivity growth.”
Election 2024 and public finances. The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IfS) looked into the state of UK public finances as the general election campaign got under way, suggesting that they remain pretty ‘parlous’ with few palatable options and Parties reluctant to come clean ahead of the election itself.

2024 exams. Ofqual released provisional data on GCSE/AS A level exam entries for this summer’s series showing an increase in entries compared to last year at both GCSE and A level but with a further drop in AS entries.
ASCL response. The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) issued its response to Ofsted’s Big Listen consultation acknowledging some of the obvious anxieties around any inspection but expressing disappointment that single-word judgements were not included in the consultation and calling for a report card approach to accountability with inspection focused on compliance.
NAHT response. The National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) issued its response to Ofsted’s Big Listen exercise also expressing concern that single-word judgements were not part of the consultation and calling for ‘far-reaching and fundamental reform’ including of Ofsted’s general approach, its complaints process and warning time for inspections.

FE workforce. The government published the latest in its series of stats on the FE workforce covering 2022/23 and using estimated data to show a similar headcount to the previous year with most staff working in FE colleges, working full-time in the case of teaching staff, with just over half teaching vocational subjects and on a median annual salary of £34,708.
Adult skills. The Learning and Work Institute reported on UK skills both now and over the coming decade concluding that cuts to funding had led to a drop in the numbers of adult learners and thereby skill levels over the last decade particularly in the poorest regions, leaving the UK poorly positioned to meet the growing skill, economic and social demands of the next decade.
Levy reform. Dr Mandy Crawford-Lee, chief executive of UVAC, examined many of the issues around the apprenticeship levy and the case for reform in a blog on the HEPI site, arguing that while the levy may not be wildly popular and features such as extending the time for levy funds to be used could be improved, it served an important function in supporting skills training.

Graduate employment. Universities UK reported on its examination of wider data on employment and earnings outcomes of graduates, how they’ve changed over time and how they compare with those who didn’t go to university, concluding ‘conclusively that it is overwhelmingly worth getting a degree.’
More on international students. The House of Commons Library Service published a briefing on international students in UKHE running through the numbers and from which country they come (mainly China,) current government policy (from international strategy to visa issues,) and the cost (£4.4bn) and benefits (£37.4bn) to the UK.
Manifesto 2024. The British Academy called for ‘an urgent review’ of HE funding and more support for R/D as it published its (election) Manifesto for the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, built around the three principles of education support, research and innovation, and collaboration both here and abroad.
Access all issues of Steve Besley's Education Eye
Latest research, reports and studies
Screen time: impacts on education and wellbeing | UK Parliament
Managing screen time: How to protect and equip students against distraction | OECD
The great skills divide: how learning inequalities risk holding the UK back | Learning & Work Institute
State school teachers face significantly poorer job quality compared to their private school peers | IOE
Boundary crossings with artists, teachers and children: Integrating creative pedagogies for young people's wellbeing | BERA
New analysis shows students who choose to learn more, earn more - with extra boost for students from poorer backgrounds | UUK
Social mobility and opportunity | Sutton Trust
How can conspiracy theories be combatted in schools? | BERA
Exploring issues in secondary subject English: Reconnecting curriculum, policy and practice | BERA
Fair opportunity for all | Sutton Trust
Search our education research section
Parliament and elsewhere
ITV hosts Election 2024 Leader’s Debate (Tuesday 4 June).
Events and CPD opportunities
Tuesday 04 June: Marketing and communications in higher education 2024 | UUK (in-person event)
Tuesday 04 June: MAT Regional Network: South | Optimus Education (in-person event)
Friday 07 June: Post-16 Summer Conference 2024 | HFL Education (in-person event)
Saturday 08 June: researchED Kent | researchED (in-person event)
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Three interesting daily facts
On this day in 1968 American radical feminist Valerie Solanas attempted to assassinate Andy Warhol by shooting him three times.
On this day in 1979 the Ixtoc I rig in the Gulf of Mexico blew spilling three million barrels of oil in one of the worst oil spills in history.
On this day in 2017 terrorists launched an attack at London Bridge in a gruesome eight-minute period killing eight people.
On this day in 1783 French inventors, the Montgolfier brothers, demonstrated the first hot air balloon flight.
On this day in 1944 one of Adolf Hitler’s deadly submarines, the U-505, was captured on its way home after patrolling the Gold Coast of Africa.
On this day in 1989 thousands died in Tiananmen Square when Chinese troops massacred unarmed civilians who had taken part in pro-democracy protests.
On this day in 1883 the Orient Express embarked on its initial journey from Paris to Vienna, eventually extending to Istanbul.
On this day in 1967 the Six-Day War began between Israel and the neighbouring Arab states of Egypt, Jordan and Syria.
On this day in 1988 the Russian Orthodox Church celebrated its 1,000th anniversary.
On this day in 1683 the Ashmolean, the world’s first university museum, opened in Oxford.
On this day in 1933 the first drive-in movie theatre opened in Pennsauken, New Jersey.
On this day in 2013 Americans first learned that their government was spying broadly on its own people when Edward Snowden exposed secret US government operations.
On this day in 1929 the Vatican City became an independent state.
On this day in 1939 King George VI became the first reigning British monarch to visit the US.
On this day in 2017 police in Mozambique warned bald men against attacks after five men were murdered for the gold believed to be in their heads.
Awareness days from around the world
National Age Without Apology Month, National Candy Month, National Smile Month.
Pride Month, National Portuguese Heritage Month, National Migraine And Headache Awareness Month, National Caribbean-American Heritage Month, National PTSD Awareness Month, National Homeownership Month, National Give A Bunch Of Balloons Month, National Pollinators Month, National DJ Month, National Safety Month, Men's Health Month, African-American Music Appreciation Month, National Soul Food Month, National Papaya Month, National Iced Tea Month, National Great Outdoors Month, National Dairy Month, National Country Cooking Month, National Camping Month, National Fresh Fruit And Vegetables Month, National Adopt A Cat Month, National Accordion Month, Turkey Lovers Month, National Rose Month, Aquarium Month.
British Tomato Fortnight, The Big Lunch, National BBQ Week, National Patient Participation Week / PPG Awareness Week, Volunteers Week, Garden Wildlife Week, Child Safety Week, Clothing Poverty Awareness Week, Walk Together for Bowel Cancer.
World Heart Rhythm Week, National Salad Week, National CPR And AED Awareness Week, National Flag Football Week, Community Health Improvement Week, Bed Bugs Awareness Week, Canadian Environment Week, International Clothesline Week, National Fishing And Boating Week, National Gardening Week, Stepparents Week, America The Beautiful Week, National Automotive Service Professional Week, National Headache Awareness Week.
National Egg Day, Butterfly Education and Awareness Day, National Chocolate Macaroon Day, National Repeat Day, World Bicycle Day, Chimborazo Day, Love Conquers All Day, World Cider Day, Insect Repellent Awareness Day, National Repeat Day, National Thank God It’s Monday Day, National Leave The Office Early Day, Love Island Day.
Hug Your Cat Day, National Cheese Day, International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression, World Day for Assistive Technology, National Clean Beauty Day, National SAFE Day, National Cognac Day, National Old Maids Day, International Corgi Day, Invisible Day, National Christian T-Shirt Day, Shopping Cart Day.
World Environment Day, National Ketchup Day, National Start Over Day, National Veggie Burger Day, National Moonshine Day, National Gingerbread Day, Global Running Day, HIV Long-Term Survivors Day, Random Acts of Cardness Day, National Tailors Day, Hot Air Balloon Day, National Sausage Roll Day.
National Fish And Chip Day.
D-Day, National Eyewear Day, National Higher Education Day, National Applesauce Cake Day, National Drive-In Movie Day, National Gardening Exercise Day, National Yo-Yo Day, Old-Time Player Piano Day, Infant Feeding Day, Russian Language Day, World Green Roof Day, National Caves and Karst Day.
Tourettes Awareness Day, Transverse Myelitis Awareness Day, National Chocolate Ice Cream Day, World Caring Day, National Oklahoma Day, National Doughnut Day, National VCR Day, National Boone Day, World Food Safety Day, June Bug Day.
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