Tuesday, 22 November 2016
  3 Replies
  4.6K Visits
I took a trip down memory lane recently when Laura McInerney interviewed me for Schools Week. It got me thinking how fantastic it would be to hear some other people's stories. What a lovely way to break the ice in this chatroom! You can post your thoughts right here. And if you want to expand on them, why not submit a blog and we'll add a 'Schoolday Memories' category to our EdBlogs area :)
4 years ago
Compulsory judo in the sixth form.
8 years ago
I went to a girl's boarding school. These are the things that stick in my mind.
- Only being allowed five items on our dressing tables.
- Daily runs around the school premises at 7.30 in the morning - in ordinary shoes (not trainers) plus daily PE activities.
- Compulsory judo in the sixth form.
- Strict lights out regime which meant having to read under the bed clothes with a torch.
- Midnight feasts (yes, really - not fiction).
- Two inspiring teachers - for history and French.
- Wonderful music.
8 years ago
My enduring memory of school was waiting at the bottom of the staffroom steps in the morning. If you needed to talk to a teacher – ask to leave the lesson early, maybe you hadn't done your homework (ahem) – you would wait downstairs, grab another teacher as they went up and they would (hopefully) tell their colleague. I must have spent hours at the bottom of those stairs facing my fate.
I recently went back to school for my 10 year reunion. I did something I had never done before – I went up the stairs! And it was a totally normal staffroom and underwhelming. I'm definitely sticking with my ivory tower childhood memory.
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