Dr Tracy Alloway and Dr Ross Alloway
Examining the cognitive skills behind our ability to work with information, The New IQ argues that the key to information retention is our ‘working memory’, and that people with a good working memory are more likely to excel academically. Working memory is the conscious ability to process information, not to be confused with short- term memory. Working memory gives us the conscious ability to do something with the information at hand. People with a higher working memory are less likely to let their thoughts wander from a task than those with a lower working memory.
In the last decade there has been an explosion of research showing how a strong working memory is beneficial for a diversity of human experience. In education, working memory research has found that memory even beats IQ at its own game, with working memory being three or four times more accurate than IQ in predicting grades in spelling, reading, and maths.
It also has implications for mental health: the authors’ research of almost 4,000 adults found that working memory determines how optimistic people are, which, in turn, can protect them from experiencing the symptoms of depression.
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