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The science of sleep and why it should be every new teacher's priority

Photo by Cris Saur on Unsplash
We all know the stereotype of the coffee-guzzling, yawn-suppressing teacher – but that image has its roots in the very real stress that teacher's early starts and long hours can put on your body. So how can you look after yourself as you adjust to the demanding schedule of school life? We spoke to sleep expert Dr Frances Le Cornu Knight from U...
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Ofqual under the microscope: four things you need to know about 2022's exam results

Photo credit: Ahmed Zayan at Unsplash
This year, as we know, 'real' exams are back. But here are four facts you may not be aware of about the 2022 results in England: Around 800,000 A level grades were announced on August 18 – of which around 200,000 are likely to be wrong.About 5,000,000 GCSE grades will be announced on August 25 – of which around 1....
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Making a connection: how to form good working relationships in your new school

Photo by Krista Mangulsone on Unsplash
If there's one thing that schools have plenty of, it's people. There aren't many jobs that require you to interact with so many people every day; in addition your pupils, there are parents, members of staff in your department, those in other subject areas and the wider school community. It can be tempting to stay in your classroom and soldier ...
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School Diversity Week: Top tips for your school’s LGBT+ inclusion journey

School Diversity Week: Rainbow Wings, courtesy of Swift Academies
So, you've almost made it to the end of the year and exam season is probably taking its toll – then Pride month approaches. It's often a time that many teachers ask: how inclusive is my school really for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans pupils? Should we be doing something for Pride? How do we let our students know that their teachers are on their ...
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