Saturday, 14 October 2017
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Advice from teaching experts for NQTs on how to make the most of the school holidays and on setting goals for the new term:

@MrBenWard: Relax, enjoy your summer. Invest some time preparing for the autumn term, familiarise yourself with the curriculum - but mostly relax!. If you get the chance, get into school and make sure you're set up (classroom etc.) as the September INSET day(s) are always busy. 

John Winwood (@StandoutTeach): Be excited! Don't be afraid to try new things and engage young minds. What you do in a few weeks time may last a lifetime! Be prepared for a hectic first day in school. Take a big notebook, record who told your what so you can ask question later.

And: try also to get a staff ist with photos and first names. Always goes down well and you will know who does what!

John Socha (@LoveTeachingGB): Befriend and learn from more senior staff members. Quickly get a handle on the culture of the school; the way things are done. Usually, comes from the top, but anything from your use of humour, to the time you're expected to remain in school.

Elizabeth Aubrey (@aubrey_writes) stresses the importance of making time to rest. The first term is exhausting. Go on holiday, clear your mind and take some time for yourself. 

In terms of books to recommend, Ben suggests 'making every lesson count' by @shaun_allison and @atharby and 'confident teacher' by @HuntingEnglish, Aidan suggests 'hopeful schools' by @MaryMyatt as a great optimistic start for the future of the profession to read! Aidan also recommends 'making every primary lesson count' by @MrsPTeach and @melscott123. Jennifer Wilson (@JenJayneWison) likes Doug Lemov, particularly his books 'teach like a champion' and 'reading reconsidered'.

And when it comes to setting goals for the new term, Ben suggests: Build positive relationships with students (and staff). Focus on your classroom practice. Observe as many teachers as you can. Ultimately - look for the positives in every day, focus on the victories, improvements, and progress (not the inevitable mistakes!). Elizabeth says: I think being honest about how the training year went is a must. If you still need help to consolidate, know that's OK. Stick stuff in your planner as you'll be given so many papers you will lose things after day one!some feel under pressure to progress too quickly. The basics of good teaching are always to underpin everything first. Aidan advises that you thrive, rather than just survive. If you only expect to survive, that's all you'll do. And you should also aim high, but expect to fall (not fail). @Craftie2004 advises making positive relationships early on - once relationships are good, teaching 'happens' a lot easier.

The final piece of advice comes from Aidan Severs (@thatboycanteach) who says: just be you!
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