Can we please stop competing about how hard we're working?

​Welcome to the inaugural Teacher Olympics! Due to the current funding crisis, we regret to inform you that the opening ceremony has been cancelled. Instead, we will launch straight into the first event: weightlifting. Teachers from across the land will compete to see who can struggle from classroom to car with the heaviest plastic box of unmarked ...
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  4247 Hits
4247 Hits

Let’s save homework – and start doing it right

Homework has taken a lot of flack lately. Unduly so, I believe. There is a push – and even a hashtag, #ditchHW – to end the practice of teacher-prescribed homework for students. Most of those who oppose it cite either a lack of evidence for its effectiveness or a more pressing need for quality family time. I totally sympathise with the argument for...
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  4149 Hits
4149 Hits

I'm a school governor – and I'm terrified I'm doing a bad job

It was finally happening. It took me a while (two years) to get there, but I now had the bit between my teeth and I was determined to get to the bottom of why disadvantaged pupils weren't making as much progress as their more advantaged peers. I also had some say for once – as a new chair of committee, I could finally make sure issues were properly...
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  3795 Hits
3795 Hits

School Diversity Week: Top tips for your school’s LGBT+ inclusion journey

School Diversity Week: Rainbow Wings, courtesy of Swift Academies
So, you've almost made it to the end of the year and exam season is probably taking its toll – then Pride month approaches. It's often a time that many teachers ask: how inclusive is my school really for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans pupils? Should we be doing something for Pride? How do we let our students know that their teachers are on their ...
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  2382 Hits
2382 Hits

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