10 must-follow Twitter accounts for school governors

10 must-follow Twitter accounts for school governors

Being a school governor is a tough job – and an unpaid one at that. Balancing the role around other commitments can be challenging, but there is plenty of support available, including on Twitter. We've put together a list of our favourite accounts for governors to follow – and we'd love to hear your recommendations in the comments below or via @EdCentral.

The 30-minute weekly Twitter chat on Sunday nights (from 8.45pm to 9.15pm) is an absolute go-to for governors looking for support and advice, and they post helpful content throughout the rest of the week too.
Sample tweet: Tonight's Topic: "Should gov responsibilities be linked to subjects, classes, SDP, or a mix of all?" #ukgovchat

Naureen Khalid is one of the co-founders of the brilliant UKGovChat site, as well as being a governor in a secondary academy and a primary school. She says outstanding governance is essential for an outstanding school, and her intelligent, witty account offers plenty of relevant reading and discussion. 
Sample tweet: Should we be asking "What impact will decisions taken today have?" at end of every meeting? Will that focus minds? #ukgovchat

This hugely useful information service for governors offers reports and practical advice on all elements of the role. They also have loads of resources that will make meetings go more smoothly and effectively (although to access some of them you need to be a member).
Sample tweet: Wondering what you should consider when letting your school? Take a look at our free guidance to find out more: http://key.sc/lettingguidance

The bio says "politically aware, locally active" and the account doesn't disappoint. Run by a secondary school governor, it features plenty of politics, education news and discussion about social mobility.
Sample tweet: Should schools/education establishments be doing more to make sure young people are registered to vote? What can we do?

The account of the National Governance Association offers a helpful stream of free-to-access best practice guides and links to upcoming events for those in the sector, as well as detailed policy guides available to buy.
Sample tweet: We've just updated our glossary and acronyms guide. Not very exciting. Just quite handy.

Teach First executive director Sam Freedman describes himself as a "serial trustee/governor" and the "world's biggest politics nerd". Follow him to keep up to date with education policy, research and analysis.
Sample tweet: 99.9% of management books really are just unmitigated toss. "Here are 5 successful people and their post-hoc rationalisations".

Jo Penn is a school governor and another of the founders of UKGovChat. She offers thoughtful reflections on the triumphs and challenges of the role.
Sample tweet: [Impact] is something we talk about as a reason for doing what we do but how can we demonstrate it? Is it measureable? #ukgovchat

As well as celebrating and supporting local schools, the account of the Wirral Governors' Forum also tweets useful information and best practice tips for governors everywhere.
Sample tweet: So what changed for the better because of what you saw on a purposeful visit? What did you bring from your other life to the table? #ukgovchat

The head of education at the Reform thinktank is also a school governor in East London. His Twitter is a treasure trove of research, news and in-depth looks at policy
Sample tweet: Opening #bgconference17 @MelRichardsUK reiterates that social mobility is a business necessity, not a good thing to do or nice to have

Self-described "governance geek" Raj Unsworth is the chair of governors at a multi-academy trust and a trustee at a hospice charity. She shares great tips on best practice and effective leadership.
Sample tweet: Those who care enough to challenge you are your best ppl, not those who just agree with everything. Applies to Governors too!

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