From drunk declarations to awkward texts, what happens when teachers date their colleagues?

It's easy to see why teacher-teacher couples work well – they understand the long working hours, the emotional investment and the need to be in bed by 10pm on weeknights. But what about dating another teacher in your school? Is having your beau in a nearby classroom a way to be close or a recipe for disaster? With Valentine's Day coming up, we...
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17311 Hits

​Are you an NQT applying for teaching jobs? Read this first

Taking the plunge into finding a full-time teaching job is daunting, but there are some simple tricks that will put you ahead of the pack when it comes to application, interview and the dreaded practice lesson. We spoke to four school leaders for their top tips on how you can stand out from the crowd: Christopher Hammond, incoming headmaster a...
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Guest — Oliver Konarski
Thanks for the advice!
Saturday, 23 September 2017 22:57
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Classroom fad or fix? The big picture on class sizes

What is it?  The belief that smaller class sizes mean better results for pupils. It's an idea that has huge support among parents, who (understandably) follow the logic that if there are fewer pupils in class, their child will get more attention and be more likely to succeed. The public are quick to jump on the bandwagon too. In his book, Davi...
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Guest — Steven Johnson
Hi. Do you think children will be better off in a class with and open ceiling. Imagine that the weather is bad outside, and you tu... Read More
Tuesday, 04 January 2022 11:03
10888 Hits
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10 must-follow Twitter accounts for school governors

Being a school governor is a tough job – and an unpaid one at that. Balancing the role around other commitments can be challenging, but there is plenty of support available, including on Twitter. We've put together a list of our favourite accounts for governors to follow – and we'd love to hear your recommendations in the comments below or via @EdC...
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  8424 Hits
8424 Hits

Classroom fad or fix? Taking a closer look at learning styles

​Confession time: when I was a new teacher, I got my year 11 form group to do a learning styles test to help with their revision. While they answered the questionnaire, I did it too and discovered that I am, apparently, an auditory learner. Yes, I thought, that makes sense; I like listening to people talk, and I have the radio on a lot. But, my (au...
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8257 Hits

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