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Research round-up: exploring the attainment gap in science

Literacy is one of the most influential factors in students' attainment in science, according to a recent report from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). This is just one of the interesting findings that researchers from Oxford University and the Department for Education discovered in their large-scale data analysis of science education. The ...
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'Good teachers can be made' says Doug Lemov

The central assertion of Doug Lemov's philosophy is that 'good teachers can be made'. Lemov is author of Teach Like a Champion, a book which has rapidly earned the status of 'teaching bible' among new teachers.  Lemov is also managing director of Uncommon Schools, a chain of 42 charter schools in the United States. His influence is spreading a...
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A beginner's guide to Professor John Jerrim

Where does he work? John Jerrim is a Professor of Education and Social Statistics at the University College London Institute of Education. He is a significant contributor to the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).He completed his PhD in social statistics at the University of Southampton in 2011 and was honoured as being...
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Do academy chief executives need to be education experts?

Research shows that in a number of settings – such as hospitals and universities – there is a correlation between the 'expert knowledge' of the leader and organisational performance. In their 2015 paper, A Theory Exploring How Expert Leaders Influence Performance in Knowledge-Intensive Organizations, Amanda Goodall and Agnes Bäker digest research o...
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Teacher textbooks are failing trainees. They peddle debunked ideas rather than evidence-based learning strategies.

Common sense suggests, scientific research tells you, and Pisa proves it; what makes the biggest difference to student outcomes is the teacher in front of the class. That means if you really want to improve the school system, you need to focus on teacher training and professional development. Teachers need the core knowledge to plan, deve...
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Guest — zoro
Teachers need the core knowledge to plan, develop and deliver good lessons, which requires a strong grasp of evidence-based learni... Read More
Tuesday, 28 July 2020 04:16
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