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The science of sleep and why it should be every new teacher's priority

Photo by Cris Saur on Unsplash
We all know the stereotype of the coffee-guzzling, yawn-suppressing teacher – but that image has its roots in the very real stress that teacher's early starts and long hours can put on your body. So how can you look after yourself as you adjust to the demanding schedule of school life? We spoke to sleep expert Dr Frances Le Cornu Knight from U...
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  5164 Hits
5164 Hits

Of leaders and leadership: the variety of types and their impact

It's a widely recognised fact that the quality of our schools, our teachers and leaders varies too much. Good leaders are proven to transform schools and so demand for top 'superheads' has soared, leading to salaries that are nothing short of eye-watering.  But the latest research, hot off the press from the Centre for High Performance, throws...
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  5119 Hits
5119 Hits

10 principles of effective online teaching

Photo by Maya Maceka for Unsplash
At the beginning of the pandemic, schools all over the world moved to online learning. Thousands of teachers had to quickly adapt to educating in an entirely online environment. Making that switch was undeniably challenging and continues to be for many, given that online learning is unlikely ever to return to its pre-pandemic le...
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  5113 Hits
5113 Hits

Memorisation, retention and learning

Teachers often assume that because they are teaching and their students are sitting there in front of them - looking attentive - that they are actually learning. They could be right. On the other hand, it could be that their students are just performing the role of student - but not learning.  Even if they are learning, how long will they reta...
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  5066 Hits
5066 Hits

How to close the gap? Put the best teachers in the most deprived schools

By Becky Francis  Our society is stuck in a rut on social mobility – or rather, immobility. For decades, governments of every persuasion have sought to improve social mobility, to narrow the gap between young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers. But that gap – in education, income, housing, health – continues to yawn. It is t...
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  5024 Hits
5024 Hits

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