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#UKgovchat round-up: how governors can prepare for an Ofsted inspection

​Getting 'the call' from Ofsted is rarely met with joy (to put it mildly), but it doesn't have to be a moment of panic for school governors. Last week we hosted #ukgovchat and asked the great school governor minds of Twitter for their advice and wisdom on how to (or whether to) prepare for an inspection. What Ofsted says: @EdCentral @HarfordSean wh...
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  4590 Hits
4590 Hits

A teaching assistant explains why she thinks teaching staff shouldn’t shy away from discussing current affairs with young pupils

By Siobhan Woodhouse Children are never too young to start learning about the world around them. I soon learned this after discussing topics such as the war in Syria and the EU referendum with children as young as six. Friends, family and even teachers recoiled in horror as I talked about these discussions – how could I possibly discuss horrif...
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  4561 Hits
4561 Hits

The 'Impact' of my research

Tom Welch, former head of research at SSAT, shares his professional journey and vision for a framework for action research that embraces the broadest definition of educational research. I had meant to stay in university life until retirement. Happily immersed in research and dissemination, I hadn't considered the 'impact' of my research beyond peer...
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  4500 Hits
4500 Hits

Are we really raising aspirations?

In schools we assume a lot we probably shouldn't. One of the most damaging of these assumptions is that disadvantaged children want the sort of lives their teachers have but just don't know how to get them. When children make it clear, through bad behaviour or lack of work, they don't want to get qualifications and have professional careers we attr...
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  4497 Hits
4497 Hits

Six practical classroom techniques to help your students build resilience

By Natalie Costa  We all know that resilience is important, for our students and ourselves. We know that the way to help young people develop it is to make them feel comfortable with their mistakes, and understand that each setback is a step towards improving. But what should this process look like in practice? Here are a some tried-and-tested...
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  4488 Hits
4488 Hits

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