
Welcome to EdBlogs, where you'll find education insights, analysis and stories from the frontline. If you've got a story to tell, send it over to ed@edcentral.uk and if we think it's relevant to our network we'll publish it :-)

I'm a school governor – and I'm terrified I'm doing a bad job

It was finally happening. It took me a while (two years) to get there, but I now had the bit between my teeth and I was determined to get to the bottom of why disadvantaged pupils weren't making as much progress as their more advantaged peers. I also had some say for once – as a new chair of committee, I could finally make sure issues were properly...
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  3795 Hits
3795 Hits

Optimising your school's use of the Pupil Premium

If there is a holy grail in education, then it is probably to improve the education outcomes of our most disadvantaged pupils and narrow the performance gap between them and their peers. It has certainly been a key objective of successive governments. To tackle the long tail of under-achievement, the Coalition government introduced the Pupil Premiu...
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  3690 Hits
3690 Hits

How to avoid putting too much pressure on yourself as you embark on your teaching career

Photo by Sydney Rae on Unsplash
It's the joke answer to that difficult job interview question: "My biggest weakness is that I'm a perfectionist." But the reality of perfectionism isn't funny, with massive stress caused by unrealistic expectations. When you start any new job – but particularly one as all-encompassing as teaching – it is natural to want to hold yourself to a high s...
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  2856 Hits
2856 Hits

What grade would you give to OCR’s recent report on the curriculum and assessment?

I was horrified by Donald Trump's claim that pets are being eaten in Ohio. And mighty relieved when this was shown to be untrue. Yes, fact-checking is of great value in identifying statements that are either misleading or downright false, especially when made with such conviction by those in authority. So here are some fact-checks relating to OCR's...
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  2712 Hits
2712 Hits

How physical activity is key to meeting all our children’s needs in these uncertain times

Let's not be too quick to make the distinction between academic learning and physical activity - the two naturally go together.
Headteachers across the country are now under considerable pressure to ensure our pupils catch up on their academic learning, while of course making sure their emotional and social needs are also met.Physical activity and PE can sometimes be forgotten amid this pressure.It shouldn't be. In fact, our school is proof that when everything in a school ...
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  2682 Hits
2682 Hits

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