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How to stop research interventions that don't seem to work: 10 key steps

In early December, there was a strange alignment between the real-world and Twitter when the issue of evidence-based practice in education was discussed in three conversations: The Coalition for Evidence-Based Education talked about the notion of strategic abandonment (thank you @DrCarolineCreaby)Later in the evening, #DebatED discussed "wheth...
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  4724 Hits
4724 Hits

Maths: finding the fix to our problems

 We are not good at Maths in this country. In the latest PISA results (2012), England ranked 24th in the maths tables. This equates to a three year achievement lag between the performance of our 15 year olds and those at the top of the performance table - in Shanghai. But if you look at the performance of our 16-19 year olds, the picture is ev...
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  4677 Hits
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Steffen Carter
Nice post. This content helps us to find mathematical problems & fix them. Thank you for sharing.
Tuesday, 14 May 2019 07:18
4677 Hits
1 Comment

Get it right, and teaching is life-transforming and exciting. Get it wrong, and stress takes over

 Teaching is a highly nuanced, complex art, where the most effective teachers build up a range of strategies over years and years of practice. I opted out of the classroom too early to do that, and moved into what in many ways is a less complex, but equally demanding, role of senior administrator, or leader, in schools. I taught for about 15 y...
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  4676 Hits
4676 Hits

Is coaching really a silver bullet for teachers' professional development and school improvement?

A data analysis of the effect of coaching on teachers' practice and students' outcomes caused a bit of a stir recently. The meta-analysis of 37 studies found that coaching was an effective method of professional development for teachers. It is worth noting that coaching was most effective in small groups, however. In fact, it was half as effective ...
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  4643 Hits
4643 Hits

What research do you need to make evidence-informed decisions about edtech?

Every year at BETT I play a little game: I go up to stalls and ask how they know whether their product makes a difference to what or how well children learn. In the past, I have been met with blank stares or told that "children just love it". This year was different, though: I was impressed by the number of companies that could talk about how resea...
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4643 Hits

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