Easy as ABC (or CPD) – a beginner's guide to education acronyms

Education is awash with acronyms. ITT is tricky at the best of times, but it can be even harder if you don't know your SLT from your HOYs, HODs or HOFs – or your LOs from your LOs (yes, there are two kinds). Here's our brief guide to the acronyms you are most likely to come across regularly (we would rival War and Peace if we included them all). A ...
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Guest — International Foundation Group
This is the Great Content I ever read on teacher top tips. it's written well with detail. Thanks for sharing.
Thursday, 10 October 2019 07:56
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Five top tips to help headteachers and governors work effectively together

​School governance has changed in recent years. Gone are the days of light-touch oversight with a good dose of jolliness; governing boards are now expected to be more business-like rigorous, ensuring that the school fulfils their duty to their students and their budget. Never, then, has it been more important for school leaders and g...
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‘Diversity is dire in education’ – the grassroots campaign bringing change to the face of school leadership

"I spend every working day with children, parents, teacher and leaders from a range of different backgrounds, and until they are able to pass through professional and educational life without needing to contemplate being disadvantaged by their skin colour, their culture or their religion, there is a pressing need for #BAMEed." Jonny Walker, Assista...
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Research round-up: exploring the attainment gap in science

Literacy is one of the most influential factors in students' attainment in science, according to a recent report from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). This is just one of the interesting findings that researchers from Oxford University and the Department for Education discovered in their large-scale data analysis of science education. The ...
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From CVs to interview lessons: 9 top tips for applying for teaching jobs as an NQT

 As the final term of the year gets into full swing, many student teachers will be turning their attentions to job applications for newly-qualified teacher (NQT) roles. Job hunting is stressful enough, but it's especially so for those new to the profession. How can you impress headteachers when you don't have years of experience and results to...
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