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Joining a multi-academy trust: a governor’s view

My school is an outstanding secondary located in London and was one of the first schools to convert to academy status – and we have recently joined a multi-academy trust (MAT). As a governing board, we were quite aware of what is happening nationally; collaboration is top of the agenda now, and there are benefits that come from working with other s...
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  7931 Hits
7931 Hits

It’s easy to get lost in the anxieties and meaningless goals as a teacher, but the tiny everyday kindnesses make the job

​He was a kid I'd barely noticed. I'd been teaching the class for just a few weeks and, as is always the case, certain heads had raised themselves above the parapet: the defaulters, the jokers, the forgetful and the attention-seekers. But this lad had been quietly going about his own business. He always gets the work done; he rarely forgets to...
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  6349 Hits
6349 Hits

Is it urgent or important? A new teachers' guide to the psychology of time management

Let's start with the bad news: now that you're a teacher, your to-do list will never be complete. Ever. Part of the deal with having a job that's so important is that you will also have so many demands on your time that working 24/7 wouldn't be enough. It's imperative, then, that you master the art of effective time management early. You can only w...
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  6535 Hits
6535 Hits

Is coaching really a silver bullet for teachers' professional development and school improvement?

A data analysis of the effect of coaching on teachers' practice and students' outcomes caused a bit of a stir recently. The meta-analysis of 37 studies found that coaching was an effective method of professional development for teachers. It is worth noting that coaching was most effective in small groups, however. In fact, it was half as effective ...
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  4640 Hits
4640 Hits

Internal promotions into school leadership: how to lead those who used to be your colleagues

Every professional who is new to leadership – or takes up a new leadership role – needs to consider how they develop relationships with those they lead. The same is true if you are promoted internally. There are many benefits and potential drawbacks to being promoted to a leadership position within a school where you are already employed. What is i...
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  8258 Hits
8258 Hits

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