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From CVs to interview lessons: 9 top tips for applying for teaching jobs as an NQT

 As the final term of the year gets into full swing, many student teachers will be turning their attentions to job applications for newly-qualified teacher (NQT) roles. Job hunting is stressful enough, but it's especially so for those new to the profession. How can you impress headteachers when you don't have years of experience and results to...
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  7547 Hits
7547 Hits

Four simple tricks to ensure your students don't fall behind in the summer holidays

While the summer holidays are much-needed respite for weary students, research suggests that the long break can do more harm than good to their brains. This seems to be especially true for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, who often return to school after the summer holidays having fallen behind compared with their wealthier peers. This need...
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  6405 Hits
6405 Hits

Focus on ... Stephen Tierney: honest reflections on the current and future vocation of school leadership

Stephen Tierney is the executive director of the Blessed Edward Bamber Catholic Multi Academy Trust (or BEBCMAT). The trust, based in Blackpool, comprises of three academies – two primaries Christ the King and St. Cuthbert's, and one secondary St. Mary's. A regular and popular speaker at education conferences, Stephen has a brilliant reputation as ...
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  6950 Hits
6950 Hits

Five top tips to help headteachers and governors work effectively together

​School governance has changed in recent years. Gone are the days of light-touch oversight with a good dose of jolliness; governing boards are now expected to be more business-like rigorous, ensuring that the school fulfils their duty to their students and their budget. Never, then, has it been more important for school leaders and g...
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  12195 Hits
12195 Hits

Five scientifically-proven reasons why school leaders need strong teams

By Bradley Busch and Alex Lucas  "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." This old African proverb – often associated with Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore after he tweeted it in reference to climate change – will ring true for any school leader trying to steer their school towards success. The senior leadership ...
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  5382 Hits
5382 Hits

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