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Smart collaboration

Given the importance attached to collaboration and partnership work in our 'self-improving system', there is surprisingly little research on the most effective means of collaboration between and within schools. Yet to move beyond anecdote and staffroom exchanges and establish structured partnerships, we need to find ways to work smarter to achieve ...
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  3921 Hits
3921 Hits

Six top tips on how to use retrieval practice in the classroom

Not all revision techniques are equal: one of the most effective methods is retrieval practice, also known as the testing effect. Retrieval practice refers to any activity that forces you to generate an answer to a question. It has consistently been proven to help students improve retention and recall (and subsequently exam performance). So, h...
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  7341 Hits
7341 Hits

Six practical classroom techniques to help your students build resilience

By Natalie Costa  We all know that resilience is important, for our students and ourselves. We know that the way to help young people develop it is to make them feel comfortable with their mistakes, and understand that each setback is a step towards improving. But what should this process look like in practice? Here are a some tried-and-tested...
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  4124 Hits
4124 Hits

Six behaviours teachers should praise to help pupils build a growth mindset

Byline: Bradley Busch Ask someone about growth mindset, and the majority of people will be able to tell you that it is different from a fixed mindset. We've blogged previously about the best way to capture people's attention and desire for developing their mindset, as well as why it's best not to overstate the benefits. But what people really want ...
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  24509 Hits
24509 Hits

Should headteachers and school leaders maintain a teaching commitment?

A recent Twitter conversation about the advantages and disadvantages of headteachers having a teaching commitment made me thoughtful. I was a head for 30 years and taught each class of year 7 one English lesson every week throughout this time. I was paired with the English teacher who taught them for the rest of the time. If I had to be out of...
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  8430 Hits
8430 Hits

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