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How to unwind in the school holidays: five top tips for teachers

Jill Berry shares her tips for teachers to relax during the school holidays
Throughout my 30 years in education – starting as a classroom teacher and ending as a headteacher – I worked hard: six days a week (and very occasionally, when a head, seven). I was committed and conscientious, I enjoyed my job and found it rewarding. The rewards and sources of satisfaction have continued since I left headship. Earlier this year, I...
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  6279 Hits
6279 Hits

How to avoid putting too much pressure on yourself as you embark on your teaching career

Photo by Sydney Rae on Unsplash
It's the joke answer to that difficult job interview question: "My biggest weakness is that I'm a perfectionist." But the reality of perfectionism isn't funny, with massive stress caused by unrealistic expectations. When you start any new job – but particularly one as all-encompassing as teaching – it is natural to want to hold yourself to a high s...
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  2859 Hits
2859 Hits

How physical activity is key to meeting all our children’s needs in these uncertain times

Let's not be too quick to make the distinction between academic learning and physical activity - the two naturally go together.
Headteachers across the country are now under considerable pressure to ensure our pupils catch up on their academic learning, while of course making sure their emotional and social needs are also met.Physical activity and PE can sometimes be forgotten amid this pressure.It shouldn't be. In fact, our school is proof that when everything in a school ...
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  2683 Hits
2683 Hits

From CVs to interview lessons: 9 top tips for applying for teaching jobs as an NQT

 As the final term of the year gets into full swing, many student teachers will be turning their attentions to job applications for newly-qualified teacher (NQT) roles. Job hunting is stressful enough, but it's especially so for those new to the profession. How can you impress headteachers when you don't have years of experience and results to...
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  7548 Hits
7548 Hits

Foxes vs hedgehogs: 7 evidence-based leadership tips for headteachers

Is your school full of hedgehogs or foxes? Hedgehogs are people who are committed to certain ideas, and will stick with them even when they've been shown to fail. Foxes are people know lots about everything, but not everything about anything – they are pragmatic, prone to self-doubt and willing to admit when they are wrong. In his 2005 study Expert...
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  5831 Hits
5831 Hits

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