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A modest proposal from a language teacher: let's stop using b*llocks learning outcomes

Any discussion among teachers about good practice will get around, at some point, to learning outcomes. Conversation will often turn to Bloom's Taxonomy and the attendant verbs connected to the "lower" and "higher" order "thinking skills". And then someone will raise the idea of SMART targets, which, in conjunction with Bloom's, enable us to develo...
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  6446 Hits
6446 Hits

A lesson in how schools are getting down with sex and relationships education

When it was announced earlier this month that sex and relationships education (SRE) was to be made compulsory in England's schools, it was met with relief from many teachers, parents and other groups who have long campaigned for the move. Young people have also been crying out for a more coherent approach to SRE; a recent survey from Barnados found...
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  6289 Hits
6289 Hits

A guide to evidence based practice: what it is, key reads and why it matters

I recently joined and met with School and University Research Enquiry (SURE), a research group which has connected several schools in Glasgow with the University of Strathclyde to exchange knowledge and conduct new research. The aim is to promote a more evidence-informed approach to educational decision-making and practice. With this in mind, I tho...
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  9759 Hits
9759 Hits

A beginner’s guide to: Professor Barak Rosenshine

Best known for: Rosenshine's research has contributed significantly to understanding the effectiveness of various instructional methods, which culminated in his identification of 10 principles of effective instruction. Quick facts: Born: 1930, Chicago, Illinois Deceased: May 2017, Urbana, Illinois Nationality: American Where did he w...
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  53878 Hits
53878 Hits

A beginner’s guide to Tony Wagner

Where does he work? Tony Wagner is a Senior Research Fellow at the Learning Policy Institute, an American think-tank that researches educational policy and practices, and advocates for evidence-based policymaking in education. Before this, he held a number of positions within Harvard University, including a stint as an...
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Guest — zoro
My view is that these numbers, taken together, point to a new and little-understood challenge for American education: in today's h... Read More
Tuesday, 28 July 2020 04:15
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