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Easy as ABC (or CPD) – a beginner's guide to education acronyms

Education is awash with acronyms. ITT is tricky at the best of times, but it can be even harder if you don't know your SLT from your HOYs, HODs or HOFs – or your LOs from your LOs (yes, there are two kinds). Here's our brief guide to the acronyms you are most likely to come across regularly (we would rival War and Peace if we included them all). A ...
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  23482 Hits
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Guest — International Foundation Group
This is the Great Content I ever read on teacher top tips. it's written well with detail. Thanks for sharing.
Thursday, 10 October 2019 07:56
23482 Hits
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11 life lessons for students

I wrote the following letter to one of my classes a few years ago. I've removed a few specific comments – feel free to share this with anyone you see fit. Hey guys/gals, You are awesome and I want you to know that. You are a special group and I want to leave you with a few pointers/ideas/life lessons. This is a general list – don't take any of it t...
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  23470 Hits
23470 Hits

10 top tips to help teachers survive report-writing season

Your son is a saint – unfortunately the saint I refer to is the patron saint of fools Anon ​You've marked your last assessment, planned your final lessons and you can nearly feel the drink in your hand and the sun on your back. The only thing standing between you and your summer holiday? A mountain of reports to write. Here, we ask teachers to...
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Paul Cook
First of all, you need to know what midpoint is. In geometry, the midpoint of a line segment can be defined as a point on a line s... Read More
Thursday, 01 October 2020 06:05
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A beginner’s guide to Professor Daniel Willingham

Best known for: Willingham's work has worldwide appeal: his writings on education have been translated into fourteen different languages. Applying his expertise in cognitive psychology to the education field, Willingham's books include Raising Kids Who Read Why Don't Students Like School? and When Can You Trust the Experts? Quick facts: Born: 1961 ...
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  21815 Hits
21815 Hits

A beginner’s guide to the late Sir Ken Robinson

Best known for: Sir Ken had the distinction of being the most-watched speaker on TED.com. To date, his four TED talks have been viewed over 66 million times, with his 2006 talk being the most viewed in TED's history. He is one of the world's leading advocates for the development of creativity and innovation in education. He argues th...
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21688 Hits

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